[Email committee chairs at]
Social Media Committee
Explore ways to better utilize social media to boost events, attract new members, etc.
Chair: Sally Schulze
Weekly Update
Research and prepare the Weekly Update newsletter.
The Weekly update welcomes your input and ideas. If there is a topic you want us to cover, or if a news item gets you riled up and you think ILS should do something about it, let us know at
Chair: Bill Sellers.
Call to Action
Biweekly newsletter highlighting the most important issues and actions facing our community.
Chair: Sally Schulze
Environmental Committee
Formulate and prioritize ongoing projects, research collaborations, communications, and actions on recycling, water quality, environmental justice, permitting and zoning, alternative energy, composting, making green choices . . . and much more.
Chair: Jill Sellers
Membership Committee
The Indivisible Lincoln Square (ILS) Membership Committee is charged with attracting and retaining ILS members by:
Discussing how best to promote our own goals and support the mission of ILS.
Producing materials we identify as useful to ILS: for example, new member letter, ILS talking points (elevator pitch), surveys, emails about monthly meeting and special event emails.
Developing surveys to find out what issues participants feel are most pressing and what activities they want to engage in.
Informing participants at all levels about upcoming meetings and activities.
Using a variety of communications media to remind, prompt, and inform.
Connecting personally with new attendees at meetings.
Chair: Rachel Yap
Steering Committee
The Indivisible Lincoln Square (ILS) Steering Committee provides administrative oversight to ILS by:
Coordinating the activities of the other ILS committees, for example:
—by facilitating appropriate access of a committee to member email addresses (which are maintained by the Membership Committee),
—by deciding when to bring a policy proposal from a committee to the general membership for a vote,
—by approving the posting on the ILS website of committee work products.
Setting the overall priorities of ILS, specifically
—by formally approving, at Steering Committee meetings, proposals for initiatives and activities that come before the Committee,
—by formally approving, at Steering Committee meetings, initiatives and activities proposed by Steering Committee members, along with appointing the lead person(s) for undertaking those initiatives and activities.
Aligning initiatives with the ILS mission and priorities in accordance with the Operating Model for Initiatives.
Setting the agenda of general membership meetings.
Serving as liaison with Indivisible Chicago and other Indivisible and progressive groups.
Currently, any active ILS member may attend Steering Committee meetings but only voting members may vote in Steering Committee meetings.
Meets once per month.
Convener: Bill Sellers (8/1/2024); Treasurer: Nelson Armour (8/1/2024); Secretary: Sally Schulze (8/1/2024).
Help schedule & set up for meetings, prepare and post meeting agendas and minutes, help publicize ILS events, help with other administrative tasks.
Chair: Jessica Droeger